You must be here because you’ve finally made the call to tame your front lawn or your backyard, and to do so, you need a weed eater.
If so, then you’ve come to the right place!
Although it is a fact most likely to be overlooked or ignored, a good weed eater is the essence of a perfect lawn.
Now comes the real question - where should you begin your search for your ideal weed eater? And how to choose the best weed eater brand in a virtual sea of them?
Stay tuned in order to find out!
Everything You’ll Need for Your Weed Eater: What You’ll Need To Get Started

In order to maximize the efficiency and effectiveness of your weed eater, you want to make sure that the functionality of your lawn gadget it up for optimization.
To bring out the best out of the machine, you want to pay attention to the following essential features and accessories for your weed eater.
You are probably wondering what could possibly enhance such a machine.
The features that I recommend you pay the most attention to so that you can have it all when it comes to this outdoor machine are:
Check out the following articles for more info
Top Weed Eater Brands of 2019

Numerous as they are, the brands that deserve to be named among top weed eater brands are tried and true. Your focus should be centered on the brands that have proven themselves to be worthy of both your time and your money.
The accented qualities these weed eaters bring to the roundtable are the power, durability, and, ultimately, ease of operation. You can be assured that you are getting the whole package in one weed eater.
So, let’s round the remarkable ones up and examine them better!
1. Husquarna
A household name that has established itself and its place in the industry for well over a hundred years. Its longstanding tradition when it comes to innovation and following, as well as dictating trends in the world of manufacturing, is no secret.
Husqvarna is a synonym for lightweight, durable, and easy to handle models when it comes to outdoor power machines.
They offer a variety of weed eaters and trimmers. Their range includes but is not limited to professional trimmers, as well as many versatile and multi-task tools!
2. Greenworks
Greenworks is a company that prides itself on being the frontrunners when it comes to the manufacturing and the development of the latest outdoor power machines.
It is a new company that is ambitious and innovative in its field of work.
Playing it safe is a thing of the past - they engage with the world of modernity with unrivaled courage. Their product range is impressive and worth considering.
Worx is a company that manufactures products known for its performance and power. The superior design, in combination with their technology, gives marvelous results as they invest in precision as well.
The brand follows all leading standards when it comes to manufacturing products that are reliable and of high quality, with their prices being within a reasonable scope.
4. And More...
Our list, of course, does not cease here.
You should not miss out on many other amazing brands that are worthy of your attention now that you are on the hunt for the perfect weed eater:
Check out the following articles for more info:
How to Set Up Your Weed Eater: Tried & True Methods for a Painless Assembly

Your dreams and thoughts of a beautiful, trimmed and tamed lawn are one step closer to becoming undisputed reality.
Although there are different types of weed eaters (solely based on the energy type that they require upon startup), no matter which one you choose, it will need to be assembled.
When your weed eater comes in a package, it will require some attention in order to assemble it.
My instructions guarantee a smooth experience with putting your weed eater together:
A weed eater is fairly easy to assemble; all you need to do is make sure that you follow these easy steps on how to do so!
FAQs About Weed Eaters and Trimmers

1. Recharging Batteries
Be sure to read your instruction manual. It will state in bold print to recharge discharged batteries as soon as possible after each use or the battery life may be critically reduced.
2. Can Fuel Be Left in the Tank?
No. Do not leave fuel in the tank for more than 30 days to ward off gum deposits developing in the fuel system. Drain the gas tank, retighten the gas cap, and then start the engine until it uses the residual gas/oil mixture inside on a 2-cycle engine. Be sure to do this at the end of the season for winter as well.
3. What Grade of Gasoline Should Be Used for Weed Eater/Trimmers?
Use regular 87 octane unleaded gas. A 10% blend of alcohol can be used. Do not use E85 or diesel fuel. Always use fresh gas and mix it with 2-cycle engine oil if you have that type unit reading the instructions for the ratio.
4. Can I Use Alcohol-Blended Fuels?
Alcohol blended fuel known as gasohol is the name used when ethanol or methanol is used in gasoline and the alcohol can be 10%. Never store your unit with this mixture in the tank. The alcohol blend attracts moisture and will develop acids that will damage your fuel system forever. Engine power is reduced when using over 10% alcohol. Your engine will run unreliably, inconsistently, and irregularly. Only use 87 unleaded octane gasoline and not higher octanes.
5. Can the Trimmer Line Break?
Yes. The line usually breaks because the line is too tight or overlapped on the spool, wound too tightly, or wound the wrong way. Bricks, rocks, cement, fences, and wood can break the line. Maintain a full line extension so that the line is not crowded to minimize it breaking. Old line can become brittle and break and high humidity can make it sticky and not slide properly.
6. Can the Trimmer Line Be Changed if It Breaks?
Yes. Check it first to be sure it is wound properly on the spool without too much tension and the strands are side by side not overlapping. It winds smoothly similar to a spool of thread. New trimmer line spools can be attached or you can buy the line in bulk and wind it yourself.
7. Is the Spark Plug Needed in Order to Make the Weed Eater Work?

Yes. Without a spark plug that generates electric current from the ignition system (starter) your unit will not work. It creates combustion in the gas engine. A car cannot start without spark plugs. Electric units do not use spark plugs. They use electricity plugged into a receptacle.
8. Will the Weed Trimmer Have a Fuel Filter?
Yes. All gasoline driven engines have a fuel filter. They should be changed each year or when operating in dusty conditions.
9. How Often Do I Change the Air Cleaner?
Most air cleaners (filters) should be changed after each 5 hours of use. Consult your User’s Manual for recommendations.
10. How Do You Remove the Fuel Filter?
Consult your User’s Manual for where the fuel filter is located and remove the way the manual suggests and follow any pictures or graphics for visual understanding. The fuel filter will be at the end of the fuel line in the gas tank. Be sure to drain any fuel inside the tank. Follow the instructions in your manual because not all brands are the same.
11. Warranty
Each manufacturer provides a warranty against manufacturers defects when used for household purposes. Warranty times can be different from one manufacturer to another.
12. Is Trimming Easy to Do?
Yes. Turn on the unit and go. Read the instructions that came with your unit for any tips for easy use.
13. Why Will The Engine Not Start?
There can be several reasons the engine is hard to start or will not start.
14. How Do I Lubricate a Straight Shaft Unit?
Remove the gearbox from the lower end of the shaft removing the screws as shown in your instructions. Pull the shaft from the bottom and lubricate as shown in the instructions for your unit. Curved shaft units are not discussed in this review.
15. Why Use the Fuel/Oil Mixture?
Two-cycle engines, including weed eaters, need oil to be added to the gas. They do not have separate oil and gasoline tanks or reservoirs. This type engine requires a mixture to keep the engine lubricated. Do not use gasoline alone in a 2-cycle engine because it will ruin the engine within minutes.
Safety Tips

Wear long pants, socks, and sturdy shoes to keep rocks and debris from cutting you up. Always wear safety glasses. Wear them over your regular glasses as well to protect your eyes and glasses. The ones with the side shields are best. Never go barefoot and never wear shorts.
Keep your cell phone in your pocket in case of an emergency and wear a sweatband if perspiration drips from your hair and face. A hat can create heat while being a safety element. Earplugs will reduce the chances of long-term hearing loss. Leather gloves will prevent your hands from getting blisters.
These tips are for women as well as men. These units are not toys; keep away from pets and youngsters.
Read more —
How To Use A Weed Eater (The Detailed Guide)
To Conclude…
Congratulations on venturing into the world of weed eaters and string trimmers!
Although our brief investigation merely mentioned some of the best weed eater brands around, there is still a lot to uncover.
Make sure that you look around and conduct an investigation of your own - right here! I am sure that you will find the weed eater that suits you best and works best for you.